

Comprehensive solution for medical imaging that integrates Artificial Intelligence (AI) into a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) to assist radiologists in making fast and precise diagnoses. It aims to be an AI-assisted tool for doctors, which helps to improve the patient care and public health.


AI diagnostic features

> 90

Correct localizing lesions


Studies management and viewer

Outstanding Advantages

Correct localizing

Mean accuracy of over 90% with VinDr-ChestXR and over 85% with VinDr-Mammo

Easily integrated with
health systems

Work independently or be two-way integrated with HIS/RIS/EMR/PACS/...

Support multiple diagnosis
at the same time

Support multi-site diagnosis, perform analyzing multiple studies at the same time, across multiple devices


Flexible deployment, able to expand or scale down easily with cloud computing technology

Meet the standard of the
Ministry of Health

Meet the HL7 FHIR standard for information exchange between information technology systems according to the standard of the Ministry of Health

Highlighted Features

PACS features

PACS is the Picture Archiving and Communication System

  • Manage studies in DICOM format (X-RAY, CT, MRI)
  • Easily integrated with scanners or PACS
  • DICOM viewer for radiologists
  • Support radiologists to modify and approve diagnostic results as well as generate medical reports
AI features

Support medical imaging analysis and processing

  • Provide both disease labels as well as bounding box annotations for localizing lesions
  • Automatically diagnose multiple studies in real-time
  • Modules available: VinDr-ChestXR, VinDr-Mammo, VinDr-SpineXR, VinDr-LiverCT and VinDr-ChestCT
  • Upcoming modules: VinDr-BrainMR and VinDr-BrainCT

Tài liệu hướng dẫn

Tài liệu hướng dẫn

Tài liệu hướng dẫn

Tài liệu hướng dẫn

Tài liệu hướng dẫn

Phản hồi của khách hàng​

Chính sách giá​

*Báo giá trên chưa bao gồm: Thuế và các loại phí liên quan và phát triển các tính năng riêng cho doanh nghiệp

Gói Miễn Phí

100,000 ký tự/tháng

Không phát sinh chi phí khác

Không hỗ trợ kỹ thuật

Gói thương mại

Thanh toán theo dung lượng sử dụng

Không phát sinh chi phí khác

Tốc độ chuyển đổi cao

Hỗ trợ kĩ thuật

Gói thương mại

100,000 characters/month

Standard Technical Support

Research Achievements

No. 01

CheXpert competition organized by Stanford University, 2019

No. 01

Abnormal Image Detection in Endoscopy Videos (EndoCV), 2020

Top 03

Pulmonary Embolism Detection Challenge, organized by the Radiological, Society of North America (RSNA), 2020